Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The start of Juliana Johnson's blog...

Ok, yes my name is Juliana Johnson.  As you can tell from my font you probably already guessed that I am very out there and not shy.  Yes that is true and what I want to portray.  I Love myself (yes I said it, I love myself) and I feel that every woman should love themselves.  It is a very huge thing for woman to love themselves but I feel it makes us who we are and it gets us further in life.  We need to be able to fight for what we want in life ladies:)  This is just the start of showing the world what I am really about.  I am the daughter of a very scary but loving native american/mexican/white father who is amazing and has a very strong heart.  I am also the daughter of a caucasian mother who has the heart anyone would ever ask for.  She really is the definition of an angel.  Anyone who knows my mother would say that I am probably the complete opposite, not because I don't have a heart like hers but because I am very controlling and demanding, more like my father.  I am proud of who I am and it is because of BOTH of my parents why I am the way I am.  I am the sister of 2 brothers and 2 sisters, I am the youngest of 5.  Yes, most of you are probably thinking I am spoiled rotten, in some cases this is true and some not.  My parents are very strong hearted and strong willed.  They raised their kids to be the same, and that we are.  Even though we are all separated at this time we all have our child hood placed in our hearts and we are still growing together even though we are apart.  Being the youngest of 5 they all grew up way before me and now that I am just out of my parents house and doing things on my own I wish I had my siblings there to share my life with still but the time has to come for us to part.  Some of us are married and some are in the middle of planning.  As for myself I am in a very serious relationship and I am happy, it took me a while to realize what I had and that I wanted to keep it but now that I have it I have no doubts I'm ready to move forward:).  To go deeper into who I really am it could take years, so I'm gonna try to shorten it and continue with regular blogs from now on.  But to start you off, I am currently living in Edmond Oklahoma with 3 very cool roommates.  We live in a house and have very different lives.  I am not originally from Oklahoma, I am actually from NEW YORK. Yes yes yes the infamous NEW YORK I miss it so much and it is as wonderful as everyone makes it out to be:)  I hope to go home someday with the love of my life.  It's my dream to go back.  I lived there for 18 years and now I am 19 years old trying to cope in the south western part of the world in Oklahoma. I go to school part time at Oklahoma State University Oklahoma City.  I work at the Courtyard Marriott hotel as the front desk clerk.  I also work in Moore, Oklahoma at the Yellow Rose Dinner Theater as the lead female singer year round.  I believe god lead me to this theater for a blessed reason, everyone there has welcomed me with open arms and I just feel at peace there.  I sing there almost every weekend, and please visit for more.  Now you probably have questions about my music career that I brought up briefly.  Well, for those of you who don't know me personally but would like to, singing is a very big part of my life and always has been.  I started singing at the age of 8 years old in my hometown of Westport, New York.  My first time on stage I knew that was what I was put on this earth to do, is to perform and please the world with the gift god gave me.  Singing at the Yellow Rose Theater has helped me to pursue my dream big time.  I get the opportunity to sing almost every weekend of the year and please hundreds of people:)  It is a true blessing.  And I owe it all to my heavenly father from above(thank you).  Also, I owe a big thanks to my parents, to my dad for spending those long hours with me in the studio, and for my mom booking all those shows and taking our family all around the u.s. for me to do shows and record.  THANK YOU THANK YOU!  I truly have lived a life lots would love to live and I'm thankful and wish I could have those days back, but life goes on.  For now I'm living my life for me and trying to make others happy along the way.  I hope those of you who were able to read my blog like what you see and I'll try to be back for more updates:)  LOVE LOVE LOVE MUAH*

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